Wanderlust of my Explorer on Wings

Sipping over my daily mug of Hot Coffee I was looking outside my bedroom window. The soft pitter-patter of the rain filled the environment with music. The trees were swaying to this music too and all of the land was rejoicing the tunes. I was happily enjoying my own company when came by an old friend, A pigeon. Yes, the same pigeon that perched over my window grill every morning. I looked deep into its red eyes. I could feel a certain story here. There was something in its eyes that dragged me towards him. It was a weird feeling within me. What possible story could a pigeon have to say? The pigeon then took a flight but I was still wondering what story could this pigeons life tell. Probably about how it was born and what sort of first flight it had? Nah, too boring. Oh! Probably about the places it has flown over and the sights it has seen. The acts taking place that it has witnessed and has come to my window sill to make a confession of it. To tell someone about all it has seen. To tell someone about its tales. But without any mention about anything from its mouth, it silently flew away. Why would he leave me in this curious state? I want to know and hear about his stories too! But what could i even do. This great explorer on wings had flown away into the vast and wide and taken along his life long stories about his trips and journeys. This mate probably had more to see and his gypsy spirit did not permit him to wait long enough to tell tales and miss out on the Wandering.

20 thoughts on “Wanderlust of my Explorer on Wings

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  1. Wander away little bird, as the mind is free, fly away to new places where imagination takes thee, continue writing and feed the soul, that could very well be your higher goal.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. My pleasure, glad you liked it 👍 You have a special talent. Writing is an amazing form of expression, I look forward to read more stories from you.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Your grammar is underdeveloped and yes, even though you have excellent vocabulary, you do not know how to properly divert it into proper sentences. Your thoughts and ideals are mind blowing, but in the end it is the delivery that matters and impresses the reader. Looking forward to read more from you.


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